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Each ACH can progress though a general point system. Each horse ranked in the group allows the player access to rewards. Each horse must have it's own rank tracker, you cannot claim rewards without a tracker. Once the horse has had all it's rank rewards claimed, you must rank up another horse to get more rewards.




One of the perks of the ACHA Registry is being able to change up your official registration sheet of your horse. 

You may still go all out for your personal references, but the registration is what is seen in the group. 


  • You start out with the Unranked buckle & default background and work your way up from there.

  • Each Rank up unlocks new imports & mutations that you can bring into your stable and register with ACHA.

  • The higher up in rank a horse gets, the more options it has for its registration profile, complex backgrounds, and beautiful buckles.

  • The Final rank unlocks allow you to add line edits to your import to fully show what your horse as achieved.


rank bgs basic_edited.jpg

Tory | Unranked Cattle Horse

rank bgs_edited.png

Preacher | Gunner Ranked Cattle Horse

You will be able to change out the Buckles on the left side as well as the background for most of the rank unlocks.  You can find where both spots are in the code on the Registration Page.




When counting rank, we need a way to keep track of all the points earned by each image. We are very flexible in how you count rank, just as long as it follows a basic format. 


  • Each Image will need to be a Thumbnail, and have a link to the original fullsized image.

  • Each Image needs to have the full count either under it or next to it, and clearly separated from other image counts.

  • You will need a link to your Rank Check Form somewhere on the tracker.

  • You will need to link the comment of the last rank check to form a break on counting. This will prevent recounting each rank check.

  • ​




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For art to count for rank, it must be set up in a tracker. Trackers can be on Toyhouse Literature, Google sheets, or hosted on a platform of your choosing. Like in most HARPGs, rank is counted, and commented on to be redeemed. 

​ Lit Trackers, Character Profiles, etc

Any type of tracker made on with bootstrap formatting are accepted.


Lit entries are preferred because you are easily able to have a break in counting, with the use of chapters. You need to be able to include a "break" after rank is turned in so that rank is not counted twice.  

You can also use Character tab's as long as they have the required formatting in the profile.


Please see Queens' Rangers Tracker for an example. 

Note the chapters & the link to the rank checks. 

tracker - TH.png

Google Sheet or Document Trackers

Any type of tracker made with google docs are accepted.


Google Sheets are preferred because you can make a break or line where the last count stopped and the new count begins. The formulas for counting are very handy as well. 

If you are wanting to use docs, please make sure that the counting breaks noticeable or it will be refused.


Please see Rawhides' Tracker for an example. 

Note the colored rows & the links to the rank checks. 

tracker - SHEETS.png


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Once tracker has been made, and all art has been properly counted, its time to turn in and rank up. This will be done on the Toyhouse group Forums, and a ping in Discord.

Each one of your horses will need its very own forum post where admins can see past checks and current art counts, then when horses are ready to rank up, post the forum link in the discord under #RANK CHECK. so that we can start counting rank.


Toyhouse worlds do not give notifications that someone posts in the forums so if you think I have missed your rank check, please reach out to me - Kurrudii on Discord or Toyhouse. 




• Only 1 unlock can be used per rank reward.

​• You may save unlocks to "double up" to get multiple genes on a new import.

 - For example. To import a Blue Colorsheild Guerra - you would have to turn in 1 Gunner, 1 Sergeant, and 1 Lieutenant Rank Rewards. 
- These can be from 1 horse or from multiple horses, as long as the rank unlocks haven't been used on a import already.



If you are ready to turn in your tracker, comment here on the TH forums: RANK CHECK


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