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Basic Horse Genetics should be understood when getting into this breed.

There is so much to cover in horse genetics, so this is a short crash course on this breed's specifics. To learn more about a color, Please click the link to be taken to a more in depth guide.

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Here is where an ACH will start to differ from other horse breeds.
The Breed Specific Colors can only be obtained through breeding or rank awards.

Click on the name for more information

Wild Bay - A+


Wild Bay: E_  A+__ 
---- Black color fades at its back & legs, red shows through, so it becomes two toned. 

BASE COLORS - - - - - - - X

Black : E_ a_
---- Black all over.

Bay : E _ A_
---- Chestnut/Red body, Black legs.

Seal Bay: E_ At_

---- Almost black all over with soft points showing Chestnut/Red areas.

Chestnut : e_ a_
---- Red all over (will be lighter towards feet).


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Dilutions and Modifers found in American Cattle Horses

These normally affect the base color, and can also affect mutations. 

DILUTIONS  - - - - - - - X

Affects the base color.


Cream - nCr/CrCr

-- Black or Red base.


Champange - nCh/ChCh

-- Black or red base.


Pearl - nPrl/PrlPrl/crprl

-- Only acts if cream is present.


BREED SPECIFIC  - - - - - - - X

Only found in ACH Horses


Blue  - nB

-- Black or Red base.

---- All show Amber//Gold eyes - When blue eyes are present it will change them to hazel.

---- Changes Black to a Blue.

---- Changes Bay to Blue points with Lilac base. 

---- Changes Chestnut to a Lilac/Fawn.


Albinism - E+

---- All show Red/Pink eyes.

---- Changes base coat to a white/cream base

---- Changes all dark marks/patches into a dull red/rust color 

---- Some white markings are visible near the soft points where the pink skins show through.

---- Overtime, as the horse ages - the coat will start to desaturate to full white. Like greying out. 

MODIFERS  - - - - - - - X

Affects the Base/Dillutions.


Silver(Dapples) - nZ/ZZ

-- Acts on black bases, turn black to a chocolate color, dapples may be present, Silvery/White Mane. Can affect the dark points on bay's making them lighter and broken. 


Flaxen - nf/ff

-- Acts on red bases, this is a recessive alle, only ff shows. Turns mane into Fiery orange color/white. 


Dun - nD/DD

-- Dorsal stripe, Leg striping, Stripes on forehead. Will fade the body color like a roan.



BREED SPECIFIC  - - - - - - - X

Only found in ACH Horses


Restricted Gene     -r

--- Will latch onto any dillute or marking.

---- will restrict the alle its attached to to be below the minimum of each gene.



Sunburnt - ns/ss

--Pink skin in the tender soft spots of the horse.
--tones can be from brightpink to light red. 
-- Nose, chest, nape/chin area, as well as groin. 
-- overlays all other mutations, except somatic/chimera types. 
-- the blue gene tends to make the colors more pink than red, but its not always the case.

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Markings that show on the coat, will not affect any dillute or modifer


MARKINGS  - - - - - - - X

Appears on top of base color, some can be affected by dilutions.



-- Tobiano - nT/TT

-- Overo - nO/OO

• OO = Leathal, Dead.
• Frame overo does not exist- see Colorshield)

-- Sabino - nSb/SbSb

-- Splash - nSpl/SplSpl

-- Ribcano - nRb/RBRB

(Appaloosa & Roan do not exist- See Spotted Roan)


Grey - nG/GG

-- Base color is slowly covered with white hairs overtime. Can cause dappling, may or may not affect mane and tail.


Sooty - nSty/StySty**

-- Shoulders & Rump are mixed with dark hairs.  Causes Dappling over affected areas. Can be extreme(StySty), which makes it almost black with little to no dappling; or can be minimal(nSty), with only small traces on shoulders and rump.

Pangare - nP/PP

-- Underbelly & Soft points become lighter. Will show on Black, Bay & Chestnut bases.




BREED SPECIFIC  - - - - - - - X

Only found in ACH Horses

click on the name to be taken to a more in depth guide


Brindle - nX/XX

--- Striping across the entire horse, falling under white markings. Will be affected by dilutions.


Hereford - nH/HH

--- Restricts white to the face, Lower body/Legs only. HH shows, nH is carrier.


Color Shield - nCs/CsCs

--- like a reverse frame overo

--- white starts from the outside and works its way in


​Spotted Roan - nSr/SrSr

--- Roan and Appaloosa combo. 

--- Starts from the rump and works its way forward

--- will not affect legs and head

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Unexplained markings that randomly occur on a foal without influence from the parents.

If they are not found on this list, then they do not appear in this breed. Some have specifics that make them different then how they are found in other horse breeds.


---- Dilutions that are turned off on certain parts of the body to let the base coat show through



---- Two separate genos are stuck on one horse, like a cell was supposed to split to form twins but messed up somewhere.


---- something similar to a reverse dapple that can appear almost anywhere on a horse. 


Bend'Or Spots

---- most common on red bases, dark grease spots across body. 


Birdcatcher Spots
---- small white spots that can appear all over body



Gray Gene Anomalies - 
Breed specific with certain mutations

---- There's a new thing in grey gene where the coat has reverse greying spots. This is most common in the Camaztoz Lines. These "sooty" patches stay darker/never grey out through the horses life. 


They also appear in Wendigo, Jackalope, Javalina, and Diamondback Roan. 



Normal "Bloody Shoulder" patches, where a section of grey turns off on the shoulder/neck area, as well as
Fleabitten, greys that have a ticked/flecked pattern all over, still happen and are not considered part of this anomaly. 

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Slowly and overtime, American Cattle Horses have Mutated through breeding.
These can only be obtained through breeding or rank awards.


Diamondback - nDb/DbDb


Camazotz - nTz/TzTz


Curandero - nVd/VdVd


Javalina - nJv/JvJv


Latigo - nL/LL


Primitive Dun - nM/MM


Rake - nR/RR


Tizon - nTn/TnTn


Wendigo - nW/WW

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